Tuesday, 19 July 2011

CAMPAIGNERS dressed as comic book superheroes staged a demonstration outside a Gloucestershire military base last night.
The group, calling themselves New Fathers 4 Justice, threw a banner over a tank gun barrel at the Ashchurch military base saying "Give Dads Equal Rights" to highlight what they say is an increase in military fathers being denied access rights to see their children.
They say the coalition government is ignoring a report by former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith which concluded fathers have an an essential role to play in their children's lives.
A spokesman for the group - which is not connected to Fathers 4 Justice - branded the UK family court system a "complete pantomime farce."
"UK Family Law works on the basis that no evidence is needed - the mother's word is good enough.
"If a mother or custodial parent informs the court they think the child may be at risk, the court has no alternative but to side with custodial parent usually the mother. "Although this law protects many women and children each year, it is being abused each year by unscrupulous partners to stop kind, loving and hardworking fathers from seeing their children.
“Fathers have been let down by this Tory led report and its time to take our gloves off, roll up our sleeves and expose this corruption. The promised us a presumption of contact yet we get no real change. Dads are lining up to climb roofs again and cause whatever disruption necessary to highlight this injustice.
"Nothing less than an automatic presumption of equal contact with the children when the parents split as a starting point will do. This will give both parents equal parity of rights to see the children. In short, we want dads to have an equal status....same as mum."
Spokesperson "Captain Equality" from Bristol said: “After David Cameron’s recent attacks on fathers this Dad’s army is fighting back and were not quitting anytime soon. It is clear that this government can only see one side of the story and does not want to deal with ‘muppet’ mothers who deny access or break contact orders.”
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