Saturday, 15 August 2009

New Fathers 4 justice protesters converged on the Royal Courts of Justice in London today in a bid to clean up the family law system.
The group which is the 'continuation' of the former 'fathers4justice' says that family law is twenty years out of date and is not fit for purpose and is in a complete mess.
The Government won't clean up the mess so the 'superheroes' who fight for fathers rights have embarked on an overdue spring clean of the building and system.
Superheroes such as Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Mr. Incredible and Captain America tried to suck up the mess with a specially modified "Bat" family law cleaner. They hope to make a start on cleaning the 100,000 child contact cases that come into dispute each year in the UK. One in three children will lose contact with their Father within 5 years of their lives.
The group have a specially modified "batcleaner" that will suck up the inequality and biasness within the family courts and has specially adapted settings to deal with the dirty problems of "false allegations" and the "nasty smell of corruption." .
"If the family courts were "open" how they should be, We wouldn't need to suck up the mess in them and the other courts in the land, like my bat cleaner the law certainly does suck! We hope to clean up family law...who knows, It might suck up a few corrupt judges and the "gravy train, money hungry solicitors"
Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, has only given a token gesture to our demands. Currently, only selected members of the media or selected cases will be seen and reported. This does not go far enough and the family courts must be brought in line with the crown and magistrates courts.
'New Fathers 4 Justice' will not let the Government sweep this issue under the carpet and in the coming months we will demonstrate to the Government using direct action that New Fathers 4 Justice mean business.
Those present today declared the day a great suck-cess
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