Saturday, 12 September 2009

Dear Mr. Berry,
Many thanks for your time and allowing me to attend your surgery with Mr. Skinner on Thursday.
You stated on BBC Bristol radio that you would not advocate a 50/50 split on the basis of it needs to be in the "best interests of the child".
I am very disappointed with your stance as you told us at the end of our meeting that it "was only fair that Dad should have 50/50 contact, as a starting point". Without being cynical, are you telling us one thing and preaching another???
What I tried to explain to you was, that if there was equality and an equal parity of rights, then the majority of the 100,000 new cases per year would not come to court. In the minimal cases of "bad parents", then we have a system in place, which is called the Social Services, which act in the best interests of the child.
Your stance is "presumptive", that is to say, if the father had 50/50 then this would not be in the best interests of the child. In law and other equality rights legislation, there has been no "presumptive stance". For example, we give black people equal rights in this country, but we dont presume that they are more likely to get involved in gun/knife crime than white men do we?? The fact is they are more likely than white on that basis, do you think it would be politically correct to revoke their equality rights??
The minimal "bad parent" cases are minimal amongst the dearth of contact cases that go on each year. In fact, the "bad parents" is equally split between Mums and Dads. Recent Domestic violence stats show that the reported cases are equal between men and women and that a woman is 7 times more likely to report an incident than a man. (On that basis, it might be that Mum is the main culprit of DV)
The recent independent UNICEF and OECD reports as well as Iain Duncan Smiths "Breakdown Britain report" demonstrate that a family unit is best for children or where broken, for the child to see BOTH PARENTS. All the evidence says that absent fathers are more likely to give our children more likely hood of getting involved in drugs, suicide, mental health problems, disobedience, anti social behaviour etc
Labour have incentivised the family to "be apart" in the tax system. This is utter madness!!
Labour have passed the IVF and Embryology bill that legislates that the parent or "second partner" does not have to be the biological father.
New technology now going to be passed shows that there is no need for men anymore as artificial sperm has been invented.
Have we all gone mad???
This is not good old fashioned commonsense.
We are not looking for much Roger....just equality......we just want to see our kids.....that's all!!
Once again, thankyou for your time and hope that you can pass on my message to Jack Straw.
nigel ace, clevedon
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