Friday, 16 October 2009

Two New Fathers 4 Justice campaigners, Nigel Ace from Clevedon and Jeff Skinner from Staple Hill met Liam Fox MP at his surgery on Friday night in Pill.
The superhero's wanted to ask Mr. Fox for an equal parity of rights for dads to see their children and to make the 'secret' family courts 'open'.
The dads last month confronted Mr. Skinner's MP Roger 'The Dodger' Berry and got a frosty reception, however they were very heartened as Mr. Fox said that 50/50 status for dads was fair and only right.
He also agreed for the family courts to be brought in line with the crown and magistrates courts.
Nigel Ace, a protester from Harriet Harman's roof last year said "Why has it taken so long for common sense to prevail. Mr. Fox has brought common sense and a breath of fresh air into this debate".
"We can now look forward to having equal status, same as Mum's and this will stop many of the 100,000 new child contact dispute cases that come to court each year in the UK."
"Jeff and I have had over 60 court cases between us!!! Jeff fought for 8 years and me a meagre 2 1/2 years....but it looks like when the conservatives come to power, that cases like ours will be over"
"Once this happens, then we will hang up our superhero outfits and enjoy the time with our kids!!"
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