Wednesday, 21 April 2010 at 11:47 |  

'Superheroes' call for equality

WOULD-BE superheroes Captain Cash (left) and Captain Equality, members of New Fathers 4 Justice, had to resort to a megaphone to get their message across outside Richard Huish College on Monday.

The captains - aka Mark Harris and Wellington’s Neil Richardson - were at the college to speak to Vince Cable, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, about fathers’ rights in custody disputes.

Mr Cable, who was in town to support election candidate Jeremy Browne, accepted a copy of Mr Harris’ book, Family Court Hell, but declined a request for a chat.

Mr Richardson is a keen campaigner and recently confronted Conservative leader David Cameron on the issue.

NOTE: New Fathers 4 Justice are not associated with, or affiliated to, Fathers 4 Justice.
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF