Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF

Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF

'Superheroes' call for equality

WOULD-BE superheroes Captain Cash (left) and Captain Equality, members of New Fathers 4 Justice, had to resort to a megaphone to get their message across outside Richard Huish College on Monday.

The captains - aka Mark Harris and Wellington’s Neil Richardson - were at the college to speak to Vince Cable, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, about fathers’ rights in custody disputes.

Mr Cable, who was in town to support election candidate Jeremy Browne, accepted a copy of Mr Harris’ book, Family Court Hell, but declined a request for a chat.

Mr Richardson is a keen campaigner and recently confronted Conservative leader David Cameron on the issue.

NOTE: New Fathers 4 Justice are not associated with, or affiliated to, Fathers 4 Justice.
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF
Thursday, 15 April 2010 at 11:16 | 0 comments  
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF

DENNIS the Menace, Bananaman and Captain Equality were among the superheroes who travelled through Oxfordshire as part of a New Fathers for Justice demonstration.

About 40 fathers – and some mothers – from across the country gathered in the centre of Oxford on Saturday.

The group travelled the streets in two battle buses before heading to Witney to Conservative Party leader David Cameron’s constituency off-ice, where they met Henry Bellingham, Conservative shadow spokesman for justice, who spoke to them for 30 minutes.

The protesters also held placards and brandished David Cameron masks.

New Fathers for Justice national co-ordinator Nigel Ace, from Bristol, who was dressed as Captain Equality, hailed the event as a success.

He said: “We had a lot of people coming up to us and saying they are all facing these problems, so we had a good response.

“It got a bit hot under these suits but it was worth it.”

New Fathers for Justice campaigns for fathers to have more equal access to their children following family breakdown. Members have staged a number of high profile protests in Oxfordshire.

In November, campaigners dressed
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF

Fathers campaigner quizzes Cameron

A CAMPAIGNER from Clevedon questioned Conservative Party leader David Cameron when he hosted a question and answer session at a Bristol school.

Nigel Ace, pictured, from New Fathers 4 Justice, asked Mr Cameron if he would give dads a 50/50 contact in cases of separation and divorce.

Mr Cameron said: "If it gets to court, you have to allow the court to make a decision. What I hope is that fewer cases will have to go to court. We need more family mediation, more agreements."

Speaking after the session, Mr Ace said that he hopes that if Mr Cameron becomes Prime Minister, he will reconsider his answer.

Mr Ace said: "Hope gets you nowhere.
"How will 'hope' make a change?

That is I'm afraid a feeble answer and one which surprises me.

"With regard to mediation, this only works if both parties are wishing to work together. It is futile otherwise.

"I have to admit that I was hopeful of change from Mr Cameron but now I'm not."
Posted by SPIDER on the ROOF